Roots and Branches

My family is small and spread out. I have two bachelor uncles, so no first cousins and just one sister, Gwynn. My parents live in North Carolina, my uncles are in Texas and Missouri and well Gwynn and Trevor, my brother in law, they were out at sea on a boat for five years. 

Gwynn and Trevor on Peregrine
It was about this time last year, that Gwynn and Trevor returned from circumnavigating the globe in their Cheoy Lee 38—Peregrine!  On the day of their arrival in the Neuse River in North Carolina, I had come down with my folks and loaded up their boat Selki Song to sail out as a welcome party to greet them.  The last time I had seen Gwynn and Trevor was over Christmas, two years before, when I had finally saved up enough money to visit them in Australia. It had been too long to say the least.

Peregrine spotted on the Neuse River

When we spotted Peregrine down the river everyone got the jitters! They were home! It was marvelous! We hailed them over the radio and shouted our salutations across the decks. Then we hoisted up our sails and raced towards Black Beard’s to anchor out and raft up in the creek for the night. Once the lines were secure and the sun was setting we threw back some rum punch, sat down to dinner, and caught up on all the stories and thrills we had missed out on since the last time we had all been together. 

Rafting up for the evening!
The following day I got to sail along with Gwynn and Trevor for a bit to our favorite Carolina sailing town Oriental.  I eventually said goodbye and went home to visit with my parents while they continued up the East Coast to their home port of call, Trevor’s childhood home off the Sassafras River, where yet another welcome party greeted them!

Mom and I enjoying our punch
The best part—I had my whole family back state side. At least they would be for a few years, before they set sail again and in that time who’s to say what we couldn’t get up to! This year alone I’ve seen them plenty but it’s more than that, I can reach out to them, call them, hear them on the other end of the line. They’re accessible.   

We all have adventurous streaks that run through us. I had never assumed I’d live close by to my family. Not because I didn’t want to but because it was not what I grew up knowing. People move about, settle down in different spots and in different ways. I have done the same. However, I have found over the past few years that having proximity to my family truly does make me happier. I sometimes wonder if I should be embarrassed by how often I call my parents. My parents who once wished I would divulge more as a moody awkward teenager now likely wish I’d respectfully disengage and cut my calls to once a week instead of every other day, like a normal adult.  
Dad and Gwynn

All this travel and moving about makes one reflect on what they have and what they want. I can confidently say the deeper the roots reach the farther the branches may grow.  So for now I’ll enjoy Gwynn and Trevor’s company while I can until the tide rolls out a new adventure for them. Nevertheless, wherever my family may go, I take comfort in knowing we will remain steadfast and constant despite distance and time.  


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