Moroccan Chicken Pastilla with Feta Mint Carrots

Across the states many of us are "enjoying" pinnacle winter weather.  It is in the single digits here in New York City and a mere dash to the laundry mat or corner bodega reminds us that days like today are for comfort.  We should be inside with our families, roommates, and friends lounging with books and drinking hot beverages.  As the sun sets on our frigid days we deserve to indulge in dinners pipping hot from our ovens to bring us all together and thaw us out.

As I was day dreaming what I might like to eat this evening, I went for a walk down my old pinterest favorites and came across the Mocroccan pastilla recipe, I tried out a few years back. How could I have forgotten such a recipe as this?!

The Moroccan pastilla is a delcious flaky phyllo dough pie filled with savory chicken stewed in warming spices with almonds and raisins. It's pure comfort food! Which is why it would be perfect for a day like today.

The first time I had a pastilla was at a Moroccan restaurant when I was in college. I was shocked and delighted to taste cinnamon and confectioners sugar some how balanced with such flavors as saffron, coriander, and paprika.   The savory sweet pie was a delicious conundrum of flavors, I would never have considered combining until that day.  But what a combination indeed!

So if you are feeling adventurous and are looking for a new recipe to try I highly recommend this chicken pastilla from La Tartine Gourmande matched with these delicious Moraccan spiced carrots with feta and mint from Rosemarried.


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