Highland Lake
Bridgeton Maine, is the home of a tucked away cabin a mere stroll through confirs and ferns from Highland Lake.  My best friend Jessica's Uncle (with the help of her Dad his twin brother) built his home away from home back in the mid-eighties.  I by close association (thanks for being my best friend Jess) have benefited immensely from this wonderful occurrence.

To my delight we were able to get three of us together again for a trip this summer! We also made it up to Portland Maine and stayed the night this time allowing me to see the city for the first time since 2009. I fell in love. A move seems imminent!
Our view from Picnic Island.

Neighborhood beach all to ourselves!

Empire, a delicious dim sum spot-Portland
the cabin

Quaint Portland Street
Portland- You can just spy Jessica and Jason in the lower center there!  We were on our way to Duck Fat (another great spot!)


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